Monday, December 5, 2011

The Random Post

I have this very large group of girlfriends that I "talk" to on a nearly daily basis.  They keep me from my housework and stuck on Facebook, and then proceed to get me addicted to websites like Pinterest.  However, all in all, they are probably some of my best friends in the world.  They literally know everything about me, I think.  I can't think of a single thing I haven't told them. 

And I've never met them.  I haven't met a single one of them out of the 125 of us.  I've only known them online and via text.  In fact, I have yet to speak to one of them on the phone and have only heard some of their voices through videos we've shared on our secret little group on Facebook!  But, I'll tell you what, if one of them called me up at 2:30 in the morning, I'd stay on the phone with them as long as it took.  No doubt about it.  And if one of them gave me an hour notice that they would be passing through the area on a road trip and wanted to grab lunch quick, I would drop just about anything to do it.

These women mean the world to me and because of them, I've been able to keep my sanity when people here were unavailable or unable to help.  I don't know what I would do without them.

Now, I had NO intention of coming on here and talking about them.  I hadn't really had a topic in mind.  I have a bunch of jumbled mess in my brain these days, so I came to do a list.

As women, we tend to carry a lot of thoughts around in our heads.  I know men that do this, but I'm pretty confident that we women continue to be blamed by society for "thinking too much" because it's what we do.  It's in most of our physical make up of our brains.  We have a tendency to make lists.  And sometimes a list is about all you can think of to say.  This is something some of my amazing, supportive friends have been doing lately: writing a list to get out the jumbled mess in our brains out.  Some write it to vent their mixed emotions.  Others write their list simply because they're bored and have nothing else better to do.

Unless you're me; I ramble on and on and on about WHY I'm writing the list.

So, here's my list today:

1.)  I love that it snows in our part of New Mexico in small spurts.  It makes it a treasured event in our household since it only happens a handful of times a year at most and generally only lasts a day or two in a way that allows the children to play in it.  It's magical and feels like a blessing every time it snows.

2.)  My darn dog barks too much!  She drives me nuts.  Fortunately though, I know when someone is coming.

3.)  Li'l Sausage is getting too tall and growing up too fast.

4.)  Thank goodness Blogger saves your post every time you stop typing.  I nearly deleted this WHOLE post a moment ago!

5.)  Pinterest is far too addicting and makes me laugh.  I just saw a post where this guy decided to take tampons, paint them to mimic colored Christmas lights and strung them up on green wire around a doorway.  I nearly died from a strange combination of being humored and disgusted all at once!

6.)  All I want for Christmas is for my closest in-real-life friends to find peace and for my family to find their faith again.

7.)  Gladiator is an incredible movie.  Reminds me of Spartacus on Starz only less hot.

8.)  Thinking of Spartacus makes me sad about Andy Whitfield.  I may watch season one, Blood and Sand, online today while the children freeze making snowmen.

9.)  I just realized how random this post really was and it made me think of a conversation I had with my mother the other day.  She once had a teacher that told them all to start writing and not stop until he said so.

10.)  I really, really, really need to blog on here daily or at least keep a journal.  A perpetual calendar could be pretty cool.

11.)  Here's some pictures:

Diva's view of our Christmas tree.

This is how I regularly find Li'l Sausage sleeping.  Diva always covers him up with a bunch of pink blankets and then tells me how he's passed out on the floor and a zillion toys.

This is Li'l Sausage's picture of me and the laptop.  What scares me is that I'm sitting EXACTLY like my father with my hand over my mouth.  EEK!

Our first winter wonderland of the 2011-2012 winter season.  Such a beautiful thing to wake to.  I need to paint that wall...

My flowerbed with the first snow.  Makes all the dead and dormant plants look so gorgeous!

First thing about this picture is check out how gorgeous and happy our dog is in the snow!  She turns into a playful puppy when there's snow.  The second thing, I'm 5'2".  This dog stares at me at nearly eye level when she's on her hind legs.  Do you see how high that snow is on her back leg there?!  I bet she would be ecstatic to live up north.

I, however, rather enjoy that snow is a magical blessing a few times a year.  Today anyway.

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